Friday, January 8, 2010

Paya Indah Wetlands - Crocodile

All photos were resized smaller and resolutions lowered due to webspace - rendering the pictures to be in low quality. For High Resolution photos, do not hesitate to contact me.

Feeding time for the Crocs are at 11a.m on Saturday and Sunday.

Large number of these creatures living in a very large lake at Paya Indah Wetlands.

Be careful, be very careful they just lurk in the water near you.

Don't worry, the place is enclosed with fences.

The biggest named Dol, swimming along the water monitoring the visitors and other crocs.

Jumping to catch their meals.

Feeding frenzy, Dol is very jealous if other croc manage to get catch a meal. Other croc are afraid of Dol.

Dol is showing off his catch... Notice the chicken head peeking out at the corner of his mouth, and the feet sticking out.

Dol the Croc.

Lot more pic of croc not uploaded.
All photos were resized smaller and resolutions lowered due to webspace - rendering the pictures to be in low quality. For High Resolution photos, do not hesitate to contact.


Raziff Lokman... said...

...great captures

azharos said...

Thanks, ada banyak tak upload lagi.