Monday, October 19, 2009

OTK in Tight Spot

When one in power, almost everybody supports (bodek) him/her, but when he/she loose the "grip", friends turn nemesis. After the 10/10 EGM showdown, OTK is not just losing his grip on presidential post but also losing his so-called supporters, loyalists, friends...

"Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you..."

He should remember that, what he had done on CSL is haunting him. His former supporters knows that OTK's supports are divided and for them, to forego their current position in the party for a fresh election will mean they might lose forever their privileges and post, as they are still being seen as the supporters of a weak outgoing president.

So truly there is a third hand in the EGM, and they consists of ... (censored - nanti kena saman)

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